How do I change the company name?
Companies are unable to amend company names themselves. Please create a variation and in the statement of changes add the new company name.
How do I terminate the licence?
To request a termination of licence you should complete the request to terminate a licence/authorisation/registration and email to pcl@mhra.gov.uk
How long does it take for my new company application to be processed so that I can complete the application form?
It takes up to 48 hours for the new company to be added to the portal.
What is the process for applying for a WDA(H) or API licence?
You will first need to add a new company to the portal (if your company does not already exist on the portal). You will then be sent a link to an application form which you will need to complete in full and submit.
Upon receiving the application the PCL team will check your application and get in contact to request any documents not received and clarify any anomalies if necessary. Once the application has been checked for completeness the application will be forwarded to the inspectorate for assessment. The inspectorate team will contact you to arrange an inspection if necessary. Upon approval of the licence a copy will be sent in the post to the communications contact listed on the licence.
How long do applications take to approve?
It takes up to 90 working days to approve an initial application and 30 to 90 working days to approve a variation depending on whether an inspection is required. Decisions as to whether inspections are required are decided on a case by case scenario.
How many changes can I make in one variation?
We charge per submission and not per change so if you make a number of changes you will only have to make a single payment for the change which attracts the higher fee.
What verification documentation should be provided for the responsible person?
If the responsible person is already listed on a licence and has provided their verification documents please upload a word document with their MHRA person number written on it.
For all new responsible people we require a copy of one photographic identification eg passport or driving licence and two residential utility bills with addresses on which are less than three months old eg driving licence, council tax bill, water bill, gas and electricity bill, bank statement, credit card statement.
How do I change the site address?
For minor amendments such as the unit numbers of the site please create a variation and in the statement of changes explain the changes to be made. If the site is moving please delete the old site from the portal and add a new site address.
How do I change the ownership for my company?
For a change of ownership you are required to submit a new application for the new company, clearly stating in the comments box (under the Administrative Data tab) that this is a Change of ownership from company A to company B, once this has been processed the old WDA(H) authorisation will be terminated.
Please note that when completing the new application, only the company name, name of the licence holder and site name should change, the remaining information should remain the same as the existing Authorisation. To make any other changes you must apply for a variation after the new application has been approved.
Can I register my company from outside the UK?
The MHRA do not regulate companies whose site of business activity is registered outside the UK. This includes Jersey and Isle of Man which are not under UK Jurisdiction. Any application made will be withdrawn.