How do I change the company name?
Companies are unable to amend company names themselves. Please create a variation and in the statement of changes add the new company name.
My previous variation has been approved but I cannot see the variation button?
Please contact dsl@mhra.gov.uk with the company name, number and submission type.
How many changes can I make in one variation?
We charge per submission and not per change so if you make a number of changes you will only have to make a single payment for the change which attracts the higher fee.
Can I register my company from outside the UK?
The MHRA do not regulate companies whose site of business activity is registered outside the UK. This includes Jersey and Isle of Man which are not under UK Jurisdiction. Any application made will be withdrawn.
Can I amend my application once it has been submitted?
Please contact pcl@mhra.gov.uk to see whether any amendments can be made at this point
I’ve accidentally clicked to create a new submission against the wrong application how can I undo this?
On the page displaying the incomplete application there will be a cancel button. Clicking this will cancel this submission but not any existing licence.
How is it determined whether we need the Distance Selling Logo?
If your company intends to sell human medicines i.e. POM, P, GSL, Homeopathic, Traditional Herbal Supplements, online to the general public, then you will need to apply for the Distance Selling Logo registration.
We only sell food supplements online but still wish to apply to use the Distance Selling Logo to assure our customers we are operating legally. Is this acceptable?
No. The Distance Selling Logo only applies to human medicines offered for sale, sold, or supplied online. Food supplements fall under food legislation. MHRA cannot issue an Distance Selling Logo to persons who are only offering food supplements on line.
What are the requirements for a successful registration?
An application for registration needs to be completed. All the application details will be checked. The nominated website will be reviewed prior to any approval. The website has to be up and running so that the products being offered can be reviewed. We require the full URL link to the storefront of the webpage. We also check the website domain ownership. If this is set as private then we would need document to show proof of domain ownership before registration is granted.
Will the websites that we use be reviewed prior to our company being registered?