Can I register my company from outside the UK?
The MHRA do not regulate companies whose site of business activity is registered outside the UK. This includes Jersey and Isle of Man which are not under UK Jurisdiction. Any application made will be withdrawn.
Do I need a licence?
Please email pcl@mhra.gov.uk explaining your proposed business model. We will then consider and reply accordingly within ten working days
Can I use the front screen to make amendments to my licence?
The front screen is for information only. Any amendments made will not be reflected on the licence.
Can I amend my application once it has been submitted?
Please contact pcl@mhra.gov.uk to see whether any amendments can be made at this point
I’ve accidentally clicked to create a new submission against the wrong application how can I undo this?
On the page displaying the incomplete application there will be a cancel button. Clicking this will cancel this submission but not any existing licence.
My Previous Variation Has Been Approved But I Cannot See The Variation Button?
Please contact pcl@mhra.gov.uk with the company name, number and submission type.