Thank you
Thank you for your submission
New applications can take up to 90 working days to process, excluding time taken to provide further information or data required. MHRA will conduct checks to verify the information provided.
When the process is complete you will be sent a confirmation email including a link for downloading the distance selling logo.
Variations or renewals can take up to 30 working days to process.
While the legislation comes into force on 1 July 2015, MHRA is taking a pragmatic approach to implementing the logo and is supporting sellers as they work to meet the new legislative requirements. MHRA has 90 days to process applications to be on the register so there may be a period of time between MHRA receiving the application and the seller displaying the logo. We would not expect sellers to stop trading during that period, as long as they have submitted an application to MHRA.
Further information is available on the .GOV website link: